

Whatever brings you outside — a bike ride with friends, a jog in the park or just a stroll around the block — it’s important to stay safe when the temperature rises.


无论你是否超过60岁, living with heart disease and reside in an urban area or you are an athlete who spends long periods of time being active outside, you might need to take special precautions in the heat.

Check with your health care professional before starting an exercise routine if you are experiencing symptoms or have a specific medical question or chronic disease. 某些 心脏药物, 比如受体阻滞剂, Ace受体阻滞剂, 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂, calcium channel blockers and diuretics (which deplete the body of sodium), can exaggerate the body’s response to heat. But it’s always important to take your medications as prescribed unless told to do otherwise by your health care professional.


我想你已经准备好迎接酷暑了? If you can, exercise with a friend because it’s safer — and more fun — to have someone at your side. It’s also best to avoid the outdoors in the early afternoon (about noon to 3 p.m.) because the sun is usually at its strongest, putting you at higher risk for heat-related illnesses.


  • 有个好的开始. You probably sweat the most in your shoes, so choose well-ventilated shoes and look for socks that repel perspiration. Foot powders and antiperspirants can also help with sweat.
  • 穿热的衣服. 穿轻便的, light-colo红色的 clothing in breathable fabrics such as cotton or a synthetic fabric that repels sweat.
  • 防晒. 出门前30分钟, apply a water-resistant sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and reapply it every two hours. Adding a hat and UV-blocking sunglasses can also help protect your body from the heat.
  • 喝完. Stay hydrated by drinking a few cups of water before, during and after your exercise. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.
  • 定期休息. Find some shade or a cool place, stop for a few minutes, hydrate and start again.

Routine exercise is a key part of heart health, so don’t let the heat keep you from being active! Just make sure to take steps to stay safe while you are outside in high temperatures.



  • High body temperature (103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher)
  • 皮肤发热、发红、干燥或潮湿
  • 快而强的脉搏
  • 头痛、头晕、精神错乱
  • 恶心想吐
  • 传递出

中暑是一种医疗紧急情况. If you think you are experiencing heat stroke and are conscious or if you see someone nearby experiencing one, 立即拨打911. Do not give the victim anything to drink, but move them to a cool place and help bring their body temperature down with cool clothes or a cool bath.

  • 头痛
  • 凉爽,苍白和滋润的皮肤
  • 快、弱脉冲
  • 头晕目眩
  • 肌肉无力或肌肉痉挛
  • 恶心和呕吐
  • 传递出

如果你有这些症状, 搬到凉爽的地方, stop exercising and cool down immediately by using cool wet cloths, 压缩和扇风. 你可能需要就医.

Other symptoms of too much heat exposure

热痉挛: Muscle pain or spasms caused by dehydration due to heavy sweating during exercise.

If you experience muscle cramps, stop your activity and 搬到凉爽的地方. Make sure you drink water or a sports drink. If your muscle cramps last longer than one hour, you’re on a low-sodium diet or you have preexisting heart conditions, 寻求医疗救助.

晒伤: 痛苦的, 红色的, hot and/or bliste红色的 skin caused by too much time outdoors without wearing a protective sunscreen.

If you get a sunburn, take a break from the sun until it heals. 搬到一个凉爽的地方. Moisturize your sunburn with lotion and keep cool with a cool bath or cool cloths. 不要破开任何水泡.

痱子: Red clusters or small blisters on the skin that can look like pimples and usually accumulate on the neck, 胸部, 腹股沟或肘部折痕处.

If you experience a heat rash, move to a cool, dry place. 保持皮疹干燥.